Tusshar Kapoor will be playing the love interest of Vidya Balan in Ekta Kapoor's next production Dirty Pictures. The film is a biopic on South sex siren, Silk Smitha. While Vidya will be playing the lead role of Silk Smitha in the film, Tussahar will portray the character of the only person, whom she loved.
Dirty Pictures will feature a passionate relationship between the character Silk Smitha and her love. So that, actress Vidya Balan and actor Tusshar Kapoor will be seen getting indulged in rigorous love making sequences. Though Tusshar has been a part of much adult-rated film, he however, has never personally indulged into love making scenes. With Dirty Pictures Tusshar will be first time getting intimate on-screen with actress Vidya Balan.
To make sure that nothing goes wrong during the shoots, Sister Ekta Kapoor has suggested rigorous workshop sessions of love making between Tusshar and Vidya, so that both of them get emotionally and physically comfortable with each other. Tusshar confirms that he is featuring in Dirty Pictures and will be playing the love of Silk Smita. He showed his belief in the director of the film, Milan Luthria by saying that he will make the content aesthetic. The actor revealed that he will be seen in a passionate relationship with Vidya Balan in Dirty Pictures.
The actor said that the workshop by Ekta will help him get compatible with Vidya as he does not know her well. He has just known her ages ago when Vidya acted in Ekta's daily soap Hum Paanch. Tusshar also said that people have misconception that Vidya is elder to him and thus it will a mismatch on-screen. He clears that he in fact is one year elder to her and they will work towards being compatible on-screen.
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