Bangalore: Kodak has launched Slice, which is a 14 mega pixels camera with an internal 5x optical zoom, image stabilization and a 3.5-inch 16:9 capacitive touchscreen on the back. Along with taking photos, it can also record 720p HD video at 30fps, according to Slash Gear.
Slice comes with 2GB of onboard storage, and also comes with microSDHC card slot for additional storage. It has face and scene detection technology and an automatic "Smart Shoot" mode which will pair those features with ISO and dynamic range balance for better shots. ISO settings from 64 to 3200 are possible.
Kodak Slice also has a share button which allows users to upload photos on various social networking services like Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. The Kodak Slice is available is priced at $349.95.
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