Bangalore: Sony unveiled the ICF-C71PJ clock radio, which is unique as it sports a built-in projector that will throw up the time onto a bedroom wall.
Users can set the projector at different angle according to the wall, and can even show the time on the ceiling. The ICF-C717PJ also has a built in thermometer to show room temperature, and has five nature sounds programmed in to help users relax before going to sleep.
Users can set the projector at different angle according to the wall, and can even show the time on the ceiling. The ICF-C717PJ also has a built in thermometer to show room temperature, and has five nature sounds programmed in to help users relax before going to sleep.
Also, the clock radio has dual alarms, which can be set to play an AM or FM radio channel, a buzzer or digital music from an iPod or other digital media player. Nature sound choices include undersea world, waves, mountain brook, rainfall or a birdsong.
Users can also set the LCD display to one of four brightness settings. Battery backup ensures users wake up even when there is an overnight power outage. The company has planned to ship to Europe in April.
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